Sophisticated legal advice to help financial industry leaders design products and solve regulatory challenges. We are creating a dynamic ecosystem of partnerships between…

  • Community Banks

  • Fintechs

  • Money Service Businesses

  • Daniel Wheeler

    President, Fintech Practice Chair

    (sole owner and sole practitioner in The Fintech Lawyer Inc.)

  • Gary Steven Findley

    Gary Steven Findley & Associates

    (a separate law firm that co-counsels with The Fintech Lawyer Inc.)

Industries Served

Community Banks

  • formation

  • mergers & acquisitions

  • new products & services

  • Trust companies

  • fintech partnerships

  • governance

  • strategy

  • compliance

  • regulatory defense


  • lending, Factoring

  • payments

  • Custody, trading, Brokers, exchanges

  • card programs

  • bank partnerships

  • licensing

  • regulatory defense


  • money service businesses

  • alternative financial services

  • money transmitters

  • check cashing

  • payday lending

  • bank partnerships

  • compliance

  • licensing

  • regulatory defense

Our Collaboration in Delivering Outstanding Value to Clients

We are proud to collaborate with iLEX, a consulting firm that is legally independent from The Fintech Lawyer Inc. iLEX is a leading provider of comprehensive regulatory compliance solutions. This collaboration allows us to deliver timely, solution-oriented legal advice to clients, thereby bolstering our value proposition to clients.

By partnering closely with iLEX, our law firm extends its capabilities to cover a wide range of areas crucial to businesses operating in highly regulated sectors. The law firm does not itself provide these consulting services.

The expanded legal services we can offer in collaboration with iLEX and other non-affiliated consultants include expertise in these key areas:

  • Risk management infrastructure. We leverage our combined legal and operational expertise to build best-in-class risk management infrastructure, including a software-powered risk assessment with linked risk management policies and procedures. We can provide information security assessments, infosec policies, and an outsourced information security officer for regulated financial companies.

  • Leveraging our relationships and credibility with banks and fintechs to secure “good fit” partnerships between banks and fintechs.

Our collaborative approach with iLEX ensures that clients receive holistic support, blending our legal expertise with iLEX’s innovative compliance solutions. By leveraging this synergy, businesses can stay ahead of regulatory changes and focus on achieving their strategic objectives.

Contact Information for iLEX:
iLEX Consulting Group, LLC,
Joyce Mehlman, CEO

Some of our Awesome Clients

Smiles Wallet


Financial Technology Bank


We help design and launch financial products and entire new financial service businesses:

  • Community banks who want to create or modify a product for a particular market, including community-focused banking-as-a-service (BaaS) partnerships.

  • Startup founders with a brilliant financial innovation idea.

We help our clients optimize for regulatory and business success. Most of our clients have known or worked with us for 10+ years.

We offer…

Unmatched industry experience

Strategy that survives regulatory scrutiny

A satisfying, high value client experience

Flexible billing

Hourly Billing

  • On demand service

  • Traditional billing with time entry detail

  • Payment after service rendered

Monthly Flat Fee

  • Includes unlimited ongoing advice and counsel, meetings, contract review

  • Excludes litigation, large projects, large transactions

  • Set at a significant discount to standard hourly rates

  • Paid automatically on the first of the month